
During the past few days, I've been thinking about the direction my life is going to take post-graduation, and what specific goals I can set to get me where I want to be at the age of 30. Since my ultimate goal is to retire at the age of 45, I will need to amass quite a bit of wealth by that time in order to sustain me through a very, very long retirement (the specific numbers I will crunch later). But in order to get me on the path to early (and sustainable) retirement, I suspect I will have to have a certain level of professional achievement and financial independence under my belt by age 30.

The Top 10 professional and personal finance objectives I’d like to achieve before age 30:

1. Have all student debt and car debt paid off.
2. Have a brokerage account with $10,000 invested in at least 4 different stocks.
3. Have purchased my first investment home (in addition to my residential home).
4. Make at least $75,000 per year at my regular job.

5. Maintain a blog, with at least 1,000 readers.
6. Have a plan for starting my own business.
7. Have plan for a scholarship fund, to be implemented at age 35.
8. Speak 3 languages fluently.
9. Have taken a web publishing class and a cooking class.
10. Write and publish a book of poetry.

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